Thursday, April 2, 2009

[转] 如何做一名成功的IT工程师?

进入到IT这个圈子,很多人是从工程师开始做起的,那么如何成长为一名成功的工程师呢?或者是如何成功地转换为下一个角色呢?你需要做哪些准备呢?作为MDE(Market Development Engineering)的工程师和产品开发的工程师,还是有些不同的,我下面重点想说的是比较通用的,关于MDE的工程师,或者类似的做技术支持的工程师,我想后面再单独写一篇。
让我们先来看看成功的工程师是什么样子。在Sun公司里,工程师分为4个级别,从低到高依次是工程师(Engineer),高级工程师(Staff Engineer),杰出工程师(Distinguish Engineer),科学家(Fellow)。在工程师这个级别里又分为MTS1-4,也是依次从低到高的。Fellow,SUN公司总共没有几个,James Gosling是其中的一个,Bill Joy也是,最近离开SUN了,去开startup了。Sun的中国工程研究院(ERI)原来有DE,就是宫力,现在已经他离开了,暂时还没有。Staff Engineer,ERI有几个rotation过来的。不知道大家是否还记得James Liu,在MDE week上给大家烧烤的那个,他是Staff Engineer, 但我记不清楚他是否Senior Staff了。
那么这些不同的级别的定义是什么样子呢?要求是什么样子呢?我们分别来看看。一名MTS3的工程师应该可以独立地设计和实现一个解决复杂问题的解决方案,制订项目计划,并确定短期战略目标。对于MDE的工程师,应该可以独立地支持一个ISV,从技术评估,技术培训,移植的技术支持,性能调优,选型测试等。当然,并不是说MDE的工程师可以自己把所有这些全部完成,但是他/她在遇到阻碍的时候知道通过什么渠道来解决问题。MTS4的工程师,可以解决更复杂的问题,通过领导一个团队,独立地设计和实现一个复杂的项目,这样的一个项目通常都需要和其他的团队进行协调和沟通,并利用或组合其他团队的工作。一个MTS4工程师要有能力给其他低级别的工程师提供技术建议和指导。从MTS4到Staff Engineer是一个大的台阶,作为Staff Engineer,应该是在组内和组外都公认的专家,拥有解决复杂问题所必须的技术知识和商务知识。Staff Engineer和Engineering Manager是在同一个级别上的。

如何做一名成功的IT工程师 – 续(MDE版)
我在MDE这个团队做了4年了,基于过去的经验,谈谈做MDE工作的感受吧。做MDE的工程师,和售前,售后,服务的工程师的工作有一定的相似性。MDE的全名是Market Development Engineering,所做的工作是帮助ISV在Sun的平台上进行开发,为他们进行移植,性能调优,测试提供技术支持,目标就是让ISV的产品在Sun的平台上运行得最好。MDE的工程师和服务部门的工程师是有区别的,服务部门的工程师按照合同为客户提供所需要的服务,比如帮助客户进行架构设计,进行系统开发等等,是工程项目的主体,而MDE的工程师是在项目中提供支持,支持客户(ISV)的工程师完成工作。MDE的工程师和做产品研发的工程师更是有区别了,不说大家也都明白。
MDE的工作需要我们积极主动地开展,而不是被动地等待。如何能作到积极主动呢?态度非常关键,我们需要用积极主动的态度,来驱动我们制订目标和计划,用目标和计划来保证积极主动的行动。我们每个财年都要做制订目标,这个目标里其实包括了三部分内容:为部门的目标所做的贡献;个人的目标;还有就是我们的客户计划。为部门的目标做贡献,很容易理解,但是怎么和个人的目标结合在一起呢?自己的兴趣在什么地方?自己需要在什么地方得到发展?能达到什么样的水平?举个例子,我们今年的重点是推动Solaris,我的强项是Java,我就希望自己今年在Solaris方面的技术水平得到提高,这就是我今年的目标。具体些,我会希望自己参加一个有深度的培训,学习1-2本经典的书,比如Solaris Internal;研究并掌握一项关键技术,比如Dtrace;发表一篇技术文章,比如如何使用Dtrace分析和解决I/O瓶径。客户的计划也是很重要的,我们的ISV最需要什么样的支持?困扰他们的是什么?他们今年的产品计划是什么样子?比如我有个ISV,他们打算把应用从某平台转到UNIX平台,我会了解他们计划在什么时候开始做移植工作,他们的应用是用C开发的还是Java,他们的客户对性能的要求是什么样子,他们要测试的硬件需求是什么样子,需要多少颗CPU的机器,多大的存贮等等。这些内容都是客户计划中的重要内容。

1. Make Money
2. Grow
3. Capitalize on Our Acquisitions
4. Leverage Our Partners
5. Re-enlisting Champions
6. Simplify Our Business


关于Advanced Open File Option

在选中Advanced Open File 的情况下提交作业用于备份时,会为每个卷创建一个快照,以提供数据的特定即时点记录。创建快照时, Backup Exec 使用高级快照技术暂停对卷进行的写入活动,以便能够创建该卷的快照。
如果选择要备份的文件驻留在多个卷上,默认情况下, Backup Exec 将为每个包含要备份的数据的卷创建一个快照。例如,如果要备份的数据驻留在一个卷中,则创建一个快照。如果数据驻留在四个卷中,则创建四个快照。创建快照后, Backup Exec 将从这些快照备份数据,然后删除这些快照。备份期间,可以打开文件,也可以更改数据。对已打开文件的处理方法因所使用的快照提供程序而异。
1 - 使用 Advanced Open File Option 开始备份 Windows 服务器上的卷 C。
2 - 已对卷 C 进行快照,它将提供数据的特定即时点记录。
3 - 进行快照后,开始备份作业并且卷 C 中的数据被写入磁带。
在备份作业期间,可以打开文件,也可以更改数据。Advanced Open File Option 允许通过制作原始数据的副本(名为缓存文件)来更改数据。快照跟踪数据更改,如缓存文件图中所示。
例如,一个打开的文件(如 Microsoft Word 文档)在块 1、2 和 3 中分别包含数据 A、B 和 C。
i - 在备份作业期间,块 2 中的“B”更改为“D”。
ii - 块 2 中的原始数据被复制到缓存文件。在这种情况下,“B”是原始数据。
iii - 现在更改的文件是最新的文件。
5 - 当对更改的块进行快照时,快照将在被发送到磁带之前用缓存文件中的原始数据替换这些更改的块。然后,快照将特定即时点数据发送到 Backup Exec。数据随即被写入磁带。
Symantec 强烈建议使用 Backup Exec 数据库代理来备份数据库。Backup Exec 数据库代理在防止备份部分事务的同时提供了选择性数据恢复以及与数据库应用程序的更多集成。代理还可在跨越多个磁盘卷的数据库上进行备份。
Advanced Open File Option 不能用于可扩展固件接口 (EFI) 系统分区备份。

Advanced Open File Option支持的快照技术
要将快照技术与 Backup Exec 结合使用,必须安装 Advanced Open File Option。在创建备份选择并选择 Advanced Open File Option 后,可以将 Backup Exec 配置为使用计算机上安装的快照技术。
Backup Exec 支持以下快照技术:
■ Symantec Volume Snapshot Provider (VSP)。
安装 AOFO 将只安装 Symantec Volume Snapshot Provider (VSP)。
■ Symantec 提供的 Veritas Storage Foundation™ (即以前的Veritas Volume Manager (VM))、FlashSnap Option。
■ Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS)。
对于 Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS),您必须使用 Windows Server 2003 平台。
第三方软件供应商还提供与 Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service 结合使用的附加组件。这些称为“写入器”的组件用于在 Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service 创建要备份的卷的快照之前,刷新驻留在计算机内存中的应用程序数据或文件数据(如果文件处于打开状态)。

Advanced Open File Option 的使用要求
必须满足以下要求才能将 Advanced Open File Option 与快照技术一起使用。还必须为要备份的每个远程 Windows 计算机购买 Advanced Open File Option。
■ Backup Exec for Windows Servers
■ 如果要在本地使用 Advanced Open File Option,介质服务器还必须有:
■ Advanced Open File Option
要使用 Advanced Open File Option 备份的远程计算机必须有
■ Windows 2000 或 Windows Server 2003
■ Advanced Open File Option
■ Backup Exec Remote Agent for Window Servers (AOFO 自动安装 Remote Agent)
要使用 Advanced Open File Option 备份的服务器必须
■ 在至少一个卷上有足够的可用磁盘空间,用于缓存在备份作业期间更改的数据。
■ NTFS、FAT32 或 FAT 文件系统。至少需要一个 NTFS 分区,以使用 Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service。

注意 不能在 CD-ROM、软盘或可移动介质上使用 Advanced Open File Option。

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

IBM TotalStorage 3580 L33 Error codes on the single-character Display.

0 No error occurred and no action is required. This code displays:
. When power is cycled (turned off, then on) to the tape drive.
. When diagnostics have finished running and no error occurred.

1 Cooling problem. The tape drive detected that the recommended operating temperature was exceeded. Perform one or more of the following actions:
. Ensure that the cooling fan is rotating and is quiet. If not, replace the drive.
. Remove and blockage that prevents air from flowing freely though the tape drive.
. Ensure that the operating temperature and airflow is within the specified range.
. If the operating temperature is within the specified range and the problem persists, replace the drive.
The error code clears when you power-off the tape drive or place it in maintenance mode.

2 Power problem. The tape drive detected that the externally supplied power is approaching the specified voltage limits (the tape drive is still operating) or is outside the specified voltage limits (the tape drive is not operating). Perform the following action:
. Ensure that the power connector is properly seated.
. Ensure that the proper dc voltages are being applied within the tolerances allowed.
. If the proper voltages are being applied but the problem persists, replace the unit.
The error code clears when you power-off the tape drive or place it in maintenance mode.

3 Firmware problem. The tape drive determined that a firmware error occurred. Perform the following action:
. Collect a drive dump from one of the following:
Note: Do not force a new dump; the tape drive has already created one.
-> Server’s SCSI interface by using a device driver utility or system tool (for instructions about reading a drive dump from tape, visit the Web at
-> Copy Drive Dump
. Power the tape drive off and on, then retry the operation that produced the error.
. If the problem persists, download new firmware and retry the operation.
. If the problem persists, send the drive dump that you collected in step 1 to your IBM support Center.
The error code clears when you power-off the tape drive or place it in maintenance mode.

4 Firmware or tape drive problem. The tape drive determined that a firmware or tape drive hardware failure occurred. Perform the following action:
. Collect a drive dump from one of the following:
Note: Do not force a new dump; one already exists.
-> Server’s SCSI interface by using a device driver utility or system tool.
-> Copy Drive Dump
. Power the tape drive off and on, then retry the operation that produced the error. The error code clears when you power-off the tape drive or place it in maintenance mode.
. If the problem persists, run Drive diagnostics.
-> If the test FAILED, contact your IBM Support Center.
-> If the test PASSED, ensure that you have installed the latest level of firmware, then contact IBM Support Center and send the drive dump to them.

5 Tape drive hardware problem. The drive determined that a tape path or read/write error occurred. To prevent damage to the drive or tape, the tape drive will not allow you to insert a cartridge if the current cartridge was successfully ejected. The error code may clear when you cycle power to the tape drive or place it in maintenance mode. If the problem persists, replace the drive.
Note: Copy the drive dump to flash memory before returning the drive.

6 Tape drive or media error. The tape drive determined that an error occurred, but it cannot isolate the error to faulty hardware or to the tape cartridge. Perform the following action:
For Problems with Writing Data:
If the problem occurred while the tape drive was writing data to the tape and if you know the volume serial number (located on the cartridge label) of the tape cartridge that was loaded in the drive when the problem occurred, retry the operation with a different cartridge:
. If the operation succeeds, the original cartridge was defective. Copy data from the defective cartridge and discard it.
. If the operation fails and another tape drive is available, insert the cartridge into the other unit and retry the operation.
– If the operation fails, discard the defective cartridge.
– If the operation succeeds, insert a scratch data cartridge into the first unit and run Drive Diagnostics.
- If the diagnostics fail, replace the tape drive.
- If the diagnostics succeed, the error was temporary.
. If the operation fails and another tape drive is not available, insert a scratch data cartridge into the unit and run Drive Diagnostics.
– If the diagnostics fail, replace the tape drive.
– If the diagnostics succeed, discard the cartridge.
If the problem occurs with multiple tape cartridges or if you do not know the tape cartridge’s volume serial number, run Drive Diagnostics:
. If the diagnostics fail, replace the tape drive.
. If the diagnostics succeed, run Test Head.
– If the diagnostic fails, replace the tape drive.
– If the diagnostic succeeds, replace the cartridges that caused the problem.
The error code clears when you remove the tape cartridge or place the tape drive in maintenance mode.
For Problems with Reading Data:
If the problem occurred while the tape drive was reading data from the tape, and if you know the volume serial number of the tape cartridge, perform one of the following procedures:
. If another tape drive is available, insert the cartridge into the other unit and retry the operation:
– If the operation fails, discard the defective cartridge.
– If the operation succeeds, insert a scratch data cartridge into the first unit and run Drive Diagnostics:
- If the diagnostic fails, replace the tape drive.
- If the diagnostic succeeds, the error was temporary.
. If another tape drive is not available, insert a scratch data cartridge into the unit and run Drive Diagnostics:
– If the diagnostic fails, replace the tape drive.
– If the diagnostic succeeds, discard the cartridge.
If the problem occurs with multiple tape cartridges or if you do not know the tape cartridge’s volume serial number, run Drive Diagnostics:
. If the diagnostic fails, replace the tape drive.
. If the diagnostic succeeds, run Test Head.
– If the diagnostic fails, replace the tape drive.
– If the diagnostic succeeds, replace the cartridges that caused the problem.
The error code clears when you remove the tape cartridge or place the tape drive in maintenance mode.

7 A high probability of media error. The tape drive determined that an error occurred because of a faulty tape cartridge. Try another tape cartridge. If the problem occurs with multiple tape cartridges, use the following procedure:
Attention: When you run the Test Cartridge & Media diagnostic, data on the suspect tape is overwritten. Use only a scratch data cartridge to run the test.
1. If possible, run the tape cartridge in a different tape drive. If the operation in the other unit fails and 6 or 7 displays, replace the media. If the operation succeeds, run Test Cartridge & Media.
. If the diagnostic fails, replace the media.
. If the diagnostic succeeds, clean the drive head and run Drive Diagnostics.
– If the drive diagnostic fails, replace the drive.
– If the drive diagnostic succeeds, perform the operation that produced the initial media error.
The error code clears when you remove the tape cartridge or place the tape drive in maintenance mode.

8 Tape drive or SCSI bus failure. The tape drive determined that a failure occurred in the tape drive’s hardware or in the SCSI bus. The error code clears 10 seconds after the drive detected the error or when you place the drive in maintenance mode.

9 Tape drive or RS-422 error. The tape drive determined that a failure occurred in the tape drive’s hardware or in the RS-422 connection. Replace the tape drive. The error code clears 10 seconds after the drive detected the error or when you place the tape drive in maintenance mode.

R Tape drive hardware problem. The tape drive determined that a problem occurred which degraded the operation of the tape drive, but it did not restrict continued use. If the problem persists, determine whether the problem is with the drive or the media.
Note: The drive is usable, though the Single-character Display continues to indicate an error and the Status Light flashes amber. The error code may clear when you cycle power to the tape drive or place it in maintenance mode.
To determine if the problem is with the drive hardware, or the tape media, perform the following procedures:
1. If possible, run the tape cartridge in a different drive. If the operation in the other drive fails and 6 or 7 displays, replace the media. If the operation succeeds, run the Test Cartridge & Media.
2. If the Test Cartridge & Media diagnostic fails, replace the media. If it runs successfully, clean the failing drive and run the drive diagnostics. If the drive diagnostics run successfully, perform the operation that produced the initial drive error.
3. If the problem persists replace the drive.
If it is not possible to run the tape cartridge in a different drive, perform the following procedures:
1. Clean the failing drive and run the drive diagnostics. If the drive diagnostics run successfully, run the Test Cartridge & Media diagnostic.
2. If the Test Cartridge & Media diagnostic fails, replace the media. If it runs successfully, perform the operation that produced the initial drive error.
3. If the problem persists replace the drive.

b No error or message is assigned. See error code 8 in this table.

C The tape drive needs to be cleaned. Clean the tape drive. The error code clears when you clean the tape drive or place it in maintenance mode.

d No error or message assigned. See error code 0 in this table.

= The Unload Button is depressed. Verify that the button pushes freely.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


昨天部門實戰演練:核心機房搭建!時間倉促,隨便寫了幾點,分享一下!:-) 呵呵,現有客戶中是沒有能達到這個內容的!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

New Start


Friday, March 20, 2009

